Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Traveling with Hats

Hey girls,
  I was asked recently if I had any tips regarding packing hats and while I do not consider myself an expert, I have traveled with some hats and figured I could share what I do.  Honestly, I would love to hear tips from others because this is something I've just kind of had to figure out on my own and I am sure there are things that I have not thought of that would be super helpful.  Feel free to sound off below.  =)

  Basically I start with packing most of my bag - shoes, clothes etc, leaving some of my toiletries and hat for last.  As I am packing, I consciously make a little "nest" if you will, leaving space for my hat (for the top part).

It was hard to see in the picture but where the pink skirt is is where there is a hole left.  

I then place my hat, top side down in the bag:

I make sure that it's not squashed at all but is in there comfortably.  Lastly, I usually throw my makeup bags into my hat just to use the space and because it kind of cushions my makeup.

So there you have it, my super complicated and insightful tips for packing a hat.  ;)

I hope that helps,


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