Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Funky Tights & Dress Coats

Hey girls,
  Last Friday I had the pleasure of helping to style my new friend, Jill.  She is so fun - super easy to talk to and laugh with.  We shopped a good part of the day and found her several new items for her closet.  A couple of our conversations inspired today's blog post.  We were talking about options for tights/leggings under dresses and I reminded her that funky tights are so fun and people forget that they can be a great accessory.  I also asked her about a staple dress coat for the winter that she can wear with dresses (or even with pants for a different look).  I really think a good, basic dress coat is a huge necessity if you are someone who likes to dress up some.
  This last Sunday we were early for church (only because we were late for the first service and so then decided to go to second service ;)) and I realized that my outfit embodied both of these topics so we grabbed a couple pictures at the park where we were playing with the kids.

Dress:  Sears - Kardashian Kollection
Tights:  Maurices? It was years ago...
Shoes:  Target
Coat:  Maurices

I hope this gives you some fun ideas for fall/winter!


Friday, October 9, 2015

Scarlett Turns 6 Months

My sweet, cuddly girl turned 6 months on Sunday and I can't even believe it.  Time goes SO MUCH faster the 2nd time around.  What a joy she is to me (and our family) and I love watching her little personality develop.  She is not as happy-go-lucky as Simon was (at her age) but she is still a pretty happy baby and definitely is a lot more aware of things than he was.  She definitely is just as social and loves to "talk" but being in loud crowds for a while will over-stimulate her (un-like Simon) so then she needs to retreat to a room where she can have some alone, quiet time.  That is something that I totally get as I was much the same way for a lot of my life.  I would actually get raging headaches as a child when I had been in loud, social functions for too much time.

  Our oldest niece, Maddi, was in town and snapped a few pictures for us to commemorate Scarlett turning 6 months.  Maddi did Simon's 6 month pictures (in this same park!) so it was neat to do them again with her.


You know, we really tried to get one with all of us looking ;)

I just had to put this one in because it cracks me up =)