Friday, January 10, 2014

Beauty Tip: Roots and Greys

I am naturally a blonde. Technically it's been labeled "dirty blonde" which means a kind of mousy brown. Now that I am dark (for the first time ever!), my grey hairs on the top of my head show SO much more and my roots are lighter than the rest of my hair which gives the appearance of balding (gross!). So, I had to come up with a solution to help me in-between my salon visits. I found this lovely tip on a different blog and was skeptical at first but once I tried it, I was kicking myself for not doing it before!

Mascara: good for more than just eyelashes apparently! Yes, I know you are not believing me right now but just look at the before and after pic below:




Now, my mascara is black but I have brown hair so it's not a perfect match but it is amazing how much it helps!

Just put some on your finger and rub it directly onto the roots. So easy!

Have a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!! And I do t hardly see any grays. Come take a look a mine and you'll feel better. =)
