Friday, October 9, 2015

Scarlett Turns 6 Months

My sweet, cuddly girl turned 6 months on Sunday and I can't even believe it.  Time goes SO MUCH faster the 2nd time around.  What a joy she is to me (and our family) and I love watching her little personality develop.  She is not as happy-go-lucky as Simon was (at her age) but she is still a pretty happy baby and definitely is a lot more aware of things than he was.  She definitely is just as social and loves to "talk" but being in loud crowds for a while will over-stimulate her (un-like Simon) so then she needs to retreat to a room where she can have some alone, quiet time.  That is something that I totally get as I was much the same way for a lot of my life.  I would actually get raging headaches as a child when I had been in loud, social functions for too much time.

  Our oldest niece, Maddi, was in town and snapped a few pictures for us to commemorate Scarlett turning 6 months.  Maddi did Simon's 6 month pictures (in this same park!) so it was neat to do them again with her.


You know, we really tried to get one with all of us looking ;)

I just had to put this one in because it cracks me up =)


  1. Joy, these are beautiful pictures! What a fun milestone to remember!

  2. Cute pictures! Love the color of your dress. But only 1 with the fabulous balloons?!!

    1. There were a few others but I didn't want to post them all and overwhelm everyone. ;)
